Week 1 update - We're in Crete, Greece

End of week 1 of our rowing “round the world” challenge and we’ve reached Crete, Greece.

With social isolation very much in force and the the team having disbanded and returned to their family homes, we are still working together! We have collectively taken on the ‘Around the World’ challenge to cover 40,000K over 80 days of training. We’re following in the footsteps of Michael Palin who in 1989 took on a world tour based on the 1872 novel Jules Verne and his fictional adventurer Phileas Fogg.

Our athletes are cycling, running, walking, and erging this distance, interspersed with stretching and circuits to keep conditioned, mobile and robust.

The team had a great start to the week and sees us level with Michael Palin after 6 days. We’ve travelled from London, through Folkestone to Innsbruck, to Venice. We’ve passed through Athens and made it to the island of Crete off the coast of mainland Greece. We’re having a quick rest in the seaside town of Pachia Ammos - https://goo.gl/maps/vBi3ahMNdVYujrKg7, and ready to crack on again tomorrow.

We’ll be using our week 1 destination as a theme for something this week; information to follow!

We’re keeping track of every mile and every heartbeat on Strava, and the team participate in frequent group calls to keep communicating and laughing.

Keep up to date with our social media accounts to keep track of our journey.


Week 2 update - We've reached Oman
