Our tips for narrowing down your university choices

As the UCAS deadline approaches, Reading University Boat Club wishes all those applying to university the best of luck! It’s a difficult but exciting choice, and if you’re still unsure, here are our ‘do’s and don’t’s for narrowing down your options!

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  1. DO ask questions!

    Most universities have set up some really helpful open days and Q&A facilities. Given the unlikelihood of visiting universities this year, ask as many questions as you can regarding the course, the campus, the atmosphere, the nightlife, the sports and societies etc. 

    Reading for example have a great page where you can ask UoR students directly! Click here to take a look!

  2. DO consider the location!

    Despite this not being the most important factor, you do have to live there for at least 3 years, and it is worth choosing somewhere you can envisage yourself feeling safe and comfortable. 

  3. DO research the course, intensively!

    Universities may offer the same subjects, but the modules and topics within those subjects can vary immensely. Be sure to look through the modules and consider which ones interest you the most. Remember that your first year usually doesn’t count towards your final grade, so think about where you can explore topics that are outside of your comfort zone!

  4. DO research the lecturers!

    If there’s an area of research you’re particularly interested in, are there academics at the university that specialise in or research this? Having academic staff with similar research interests to you can be very helpful in your final year projects!

  5. DON’T get too caught up in university rankings!

    Each university tends to be ranked differently by each media outlet. Whilst these can be informative, and can help you to see the strengths of the university, it’s worth making sure that the university itself appeals to you, not just its ranking. 

  6. DON’T forget about societies!

    Be sure to check out all the sports teams and societies that the University has to offer. Having good sports facilities and exciting societies can really enhance your university experience, and helps you meet people with similar interests.  Read about Reading’s student life, including sports and societies here.

  7. DON’T discard foundation courses!

    A foundation course gives the opportunity to explore studying and learning at the university before fully committing. It can equip you with all the right study skills and information to succeed when you do begin your undergraduate degree course, and it is great for those who don’t feel quite ready for University. Many universities offer foundation years, click here to view the choices UoR has to offer!


All things considered, it’s important not to feel weighed down by this decision. Whilst it’s good to solidify your options now, nothing is final until you’re there! However this year pans out, there are opportunities to amend your application or even go through clearing later down the line.

Need more info?

Here are some links more specific to choosing a university boat club:

All Mark One’s 2019/20 guide to ‘Choosing a University Boat Club'

‘If you’re looking to scull, it’s pretty clear that Reading is the place to be at the moment to do that.’

Junior Rowing News 2021: ‘UK Universities: Where to Go’

If you’re a junior athlete and your priority is to advance your sculling, go to Reading.

More info on Reading University Boat Club:

  • All Mark One’s University Rankings: ‘#20 Reading University’ gives an overview of life at Reading Uni, the boat club, the coaching and facilities, as well as recent achievements.

  • Our article on our 2019/20 season highlights gives a good picture of what our most recent achievements are (pre COVID-19), as well testimonials from last year’s captains, coaches and president!

Best of luck! From everyone at Reading University Boat Club!

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Metropolitan Regatta


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