2019/20 Season Highlights


This season RUBC took home an impressive total of 18 first place medals, despite limited time on the water due to the high river flow in Reading. The team have coped exceptionally well throughout the year and have adapted to more ergos and less time in crews on the water. The hard work and perseverance of the squad certainly paid off on race day. Despite an abrupt and premature end to the 2019/20 rowing season, the successes of the squad are plentiful. Here are a few highlights…


RUBC started the year in Sweden, cleaning up at EUSA, Jönköping. For the women’s squad, this was the second year in a row taking home the gold in the W4X, whilst the men’s squad managed to trump 2018’s silver, and finished in first place.


Returning to Reading, we welcomed 10 freshers, who seamlessly integrated into the squad. Head season kicked off with Pairs’ Head, where Rory and George took the overall win, and Charles and Alastair picked up the pennant for the fastest lightweight men’s double scull. Fresher Olivia Morgan formed a last minute crew with Lucy Ryan and picked up an impressive second place. However most of our freshers made their debut with RUBC at Reading Small Boats Head, where we entered 15 crews across 6 categories. The squad finished with three wins, as well as four crews finishing 2nd and two finishing 3rd.


Later in October, we sent two men’s double sculls to Boston, USA to race in the Head of the River Charles. Both crews raced exceptionally well, with Rory and George finishing as the fastest college double (second overall) and Edoardo and Sean finishing 9th.


We sent 7 athletes to this years U23 November trials, each of whom performed exceptionally well. Both Chloe (Lwt W1X) and Liv (W1X) topped their categories, and Rory placed an impressive 2nd in the men’s sculls. Rachel placed 4th and Lucy placed 6th in the W1X, whilst Lauren and Lara placed 8th and 9th in the Lwt W1X.


We picked up 2nd in the Victor Ludorum despite only entering just over 1/3 of the events. We ended the weekend in Newcastle with four golds and two silvers, medalling in every event entered as the crews overcame the rough conditions. The week after, we celebrated the squad’s hard work and achievement at the RUBC annual formal dinner.

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As RUBC closed its doors to stay at home and help mitigate the spread of Covid-19, we embarked on a challenge that our athletes could participate in from their homes across the UK. We are over half way through virtually travelling across the world, collectively running, cycling, and erging 40,000KM over 80 days. The team immediately got stuck in, and have kept morale high despite the sad and abrupt end to what was proving to be a very promising 2019/20 rowing season for the squad. We are looking forward to returning to Reading, but are proud of the hard work put in by all our athletes in the meantime.

Coaches, Captains and President of RUBC

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Charlotte Taylor (Coach)

‘For me it was the early successes at Pairs’ Head and Head of the Charles. Additionally the Fours’ Head results across the squads and the girls amazing clean sweep at BUCS Head. On an individual level the U23 trails results in November were amazing, with Liv and Chloe topping the charts and Rory coming 2nd. I’m also very proud of how everyone has pulled together during this period.’


Alex Badcott (President)

‘I would definitely echo the successes at Head of the River Charles, EUSA and Fours’ Head. It was great to see the girls sweep up at BUCS Head and the boys getting some impressive results with the 2nd and 1st in Champ and Inter quads. Really great results considering the uncertainties of BUCS Head, and the limited water training we had leading up to it. The squad have performed amazingly considering we barely went out on the water due to the high flow of the River Thames. Everyone’s commitment through the ‘Round the World’ challenge has been super impressive and has put a shine on to the end of the season.’


Kate Lyster (Women’s Captain)

‘Performance highlights were taking 1st and 2nd at fours’ head as well as cleaning up completely at BUCS Head, winning everything we could have won! A more social highlight was the lovely formal evening. All erg tests were successful with nearly all members of the women’s squad getting personal bests, making me a very proud captain.’

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Rory Harris (Men’s Captain)

‘Highlights for me were EUSA, Head of the River Charles, Pairs’ Head and BUCS. We’ve managed to race at all the events with very little prep on the water, it’s been a very impressive set of results.’




Week 7 - Midway Atoll